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Government Information on extending the Ukrainian Refugee Support Scheme – click on .


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Homes for Ukraine Scheme : Recorded webinar (as above) is available online.
This session provided an update on the scheme and a brief overview of the key practical considerations hosts should consider if they plan to join the UK government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme.
CofS UK hosted speakers from partner organisations NACCOM – The No Accommodation Network and RESET , who shared their expertise on hosting and community sponsorship schemes.
There was a Q&A session at the end.  The webinar has been recorded and is available at .  A transcript of the Q&A, with expanded answers, can be read HERE .
A further webinar, with more updates, was held on Thursday April 28th, and can be viewed at .


Wton City Council LogoInformation about Homes for Ukraine support from Wolverhampton City Council can be found at


UKRAINIAN REFUGEES in WOLVERHAMPTON   We are very lucky to have had a Ukrainian community in Wolverhampton since at least the 1950’s, and they are now providing support for the 100+ mainly young women and children (and some teenagers) from Ukraine, and their sponsors.
A cafe and shop have been opened for them every Friday between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the Ukrainian Centre in Merridale Street West, WV3 0RJ, roughly opposite the Ukrainian Catholic Church.  They would welcome donations of tea, coffee, long-life milk, biscuits, sweets, and non-perishable foods.  Current clothes needed (as at 6/6/22) are ladies’ shoes/trainers and new underwear, and teens’ trainers.  Also open for donations on Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

RESET logoMATCHING SCHEME ANNOUNCED – The “RESET” charity  is connecting refugees with sponsors across the UK, at .
Reset Communities and Refugees is helping register and match refugees from Ukraine with sponsors across the UK.  This may actually make the government scheme workable (i.e., difficult rather than impossible).
Reset Communities and Refugees допомагає з реєстрацією біженців з України і підбором для них спонсорів у Великій Британії.
Программа Reset Communities and Refugees помогает регистрировать беженцев из Украины и находить им спонсоров по всему Соединенному Королевству.


Homes for Ukraine Refugees scheme (activated March 18th, 2022).
Government website: , plus more at .
This allows individuals to provide accommodation to Ukrainian citizens who do not qualify for the ‘Ukraine Family Scheme‘.
If you are not yet in contact with an eligible Ukrainian citizen, you can register your interest as a possible sponsor at: , giving details of the accommodation you have available.  You would need to find an eligible Ukrainian citizen yourself (perhaps through your local Ukrainian church/community), or use a refugee charity matching scheme such as .
If you are in contact with an eligible Ukrainian citizen, then a visa application can be completed by either the sponsoring individual (inside the UK), giving all the details of the named Ukrainian citizen, or by the Ukrainian citizen (outside the UK), giving all the details of the sponsoring individual.  The link to apply for a visa is on webpage .  Note that some of the government webpages suggest that the visa application must be made by the Ukrainian citizen (outside the UK), while other government webpages state that the visa application can instead be made by the sponsoring individual on their behalf.  In either case, the bureaucracy of the visa application is very difficult, and it is necessary to have access to the technology to upload copies of both the sponsor’s identity document and the Ukrainian citizen’s documents.  There is particular difficulty with parents whose children do not have passports.
Organisations can also register their interest at: , giving details of the accommodation they have available, but cannot yet sponsor Ukrainian visa applications.

How you can support the people of Ukraine – Click HERE for 8 ways you can support Ukrainian refugees.